Remember the tick control!


Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2003
Reaction score
Brentwood, TN US
There are some really scary tick-borne diseases out there right now, and I have some friends that are suffering from them. That, plus losing one of my best friends to RMSF years ago makes me hate those little basturds worse than a rattlesnake.I just mixed up a new batch of Martin's Permithrin ( ... 10%25&th=1) and sprayed down the clothes I plan to wear this weekend.

Ticks have been out for a while, and it will only get worse. Don't tempt fate with the little devils.
scn":29g25zz1 said:
There are some really scary tick-borne diseases out there right now, and I have some friends that are suffering from them. That, plus losing one of my best friends to RMSF years ago makes me hate those little basturds worse than a rattlesnake.I just mixed up a new batch of Martin's Permithrin ( ... 10%25&th=1) and sprayed down the clothes I plan to wear this weekend.

Ticks have been out for a while, and it will only get worse. Don't tempt fate with the little devils.

What is your ratio recipe??
As someone who suffers from the tick borne meat allergy I can't second this enough. Don't screw around and end up like me. It sucks byond belief eating chicken for every meal.
Setterman said:
As someone who suffers from the tick borne meat allergy I can't second this enough. Don't screw around and end up like me. It sucks byond belief eating chicken for every meal.[

^^^^^^ this , I was just diagnose with this and it sucks big time. I'm already sick of chicken and about cry when I look in my freezer and see all the deer meat in it.