Rifle sights


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Franklin TN
If I want to get rifle sights for my NEF Pardner pump gun, what should I go with that is affordable but not gonna fall apart on me. The bead that came on the gun is actually off-center so I have to aim off center. A set of open rifle sights would help me a lot for the turkeys. Got any suggestions? Thanks
yup, you can buy the cheaper ones like the Gobble Stopper Xtreme for a low price but anything low in price is going to be made of plastic so you are taking a risk of it breaking.

William Fire sites or the Magnum Gobble line from truglo are prob the best options in the metal range. I have had both and they are both very well made sights.
Plastic... I thought they were called iron sights :crazy: Definitely would like good solid sights. If they are out of my price range I will look to the classifieds or stick with the bead... after all I have killed birds with that bead, so all I need is practice shooting at paper.