rip cord code red

It is all I use on every bow I have and is what I put on my friends and family's bows---best rest out there!!! The only problem is with the "football", it will eventually loose grip of the string and will cause it to get out of time--easy 3 minute fix.....just serve it in the cable!
I don't use the code red but I really like my regular ripcord rests. What I like is you get full containment with no fletching contact. One other thing I really like about them is you can lock the launcher up when you are setting the rest up. With other you have to try and hold the launcher up and check if it's where you want it then lock it down. I'm not a big fan of having to do that. I would also just serve it in. Also, if your bow has a roller guard you can just tie you cord in a d loop knot and let the cable serving keep it from sliding up the string. That way you don't have to have a bow press on the first install or if you want to change the cord.
hey guys , called the bow shop here in town today he said he didnt carry the rip cord but had a ultra rest"he said it was just like the rip cord" that was just as good or a littie better , 119 in stalled and set up. any thoughts ??
I got the hdx and love it. Contains, no contact, and stays up on let downs. Both rests are great in my opinion. Just don't like the red on the ripcord.
Awesome awesome...awesome! I sold my Q2 with a ripcord to a forum member, and I loved that rest. My monster has a downforce, but my next will be another ripcord.
Ripcord, QAD, Limbdriver, Diamondback...they are all good. I prefer to tie to the cable, that way once its tied, its true until you remove it.
Had the Code Red on a BEar Carnage last year and it worked great. Switched to an Elite Answer this year and it has the QAD Ultra (just don't like the color on the COde Red :))
Cant for the life of me figure why anyone thinks a rest with a rip cord is da bomb......bought the montana TRAP DOOR inertia activated drop away for my HOYT razor tec in 2003 and wouldnt use anything else. Has never failed and i have killed over 75 deer with a bow. You can hanG that cord on ANYTHING/EVERYTHING. :cry: :D
