Rivers first deer hunt

Ladys man

Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Took my son out on his first deer hunt this afternoon, I'm waiting until he's 8 to put him through hunters safety (6 now) but he must of been my good luck charm. About 4 I told him we need to start being quiet deer are getting ready to start moving, 4:10 I caught a doe trying to slip through the bottom infront of us. I found a spot I wanted to shoot, but in that time trying to make sure he could see and was holding his ears I completely blew the shot. I rushed it and new instantly I missed. Could see her walking away all while trying to reload the single shot and never got a follow up.
I told him that's why they call it hunting and not killing.
He wants to go back again tomorrow.


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Awesome memories that will last a lifetime. FYI you have to be 9yoa to attend Hunter's Safty
I understand I have taken all of mine to sit in ground blinds at 6. My youngest will get to go next year and she is already excited. One of the reasons they make you wait until 9 is they have to take the written test by them self.

They will provide someone to read the test questions to the child if necessary. I have been a instructor for close to 10 years now.
The best days of your lives I remember them well. That is an awesome story and great time . Can't wait to hear the next story when you all get a deer please share that with us.thanks
I knew at the shot it was the deer I bumped still hunting. It stopped for me but I was doing a Texas heart shot!