Not to belabor the point, but I don't see how revenue factors in. I can assure you the women working their butts off couldn't care less that softball brings in less revenue than baseball or women's basketball brings in less revenue than men's basketball. I don't know. Maybe I'm crazy. It has just always irritated me, as a father with a daughter, that female athletes and women's sports are considered irrelevant because it's "chick ball". Personally, I watch Lady Vols softball and basketball anytime they are on. It is refreshing to me to see fundamentals in basketball. I'm amazed that softball pitchers can throw 70+ MPH underhand and throw 130+ pitches back to back days. Different strokes for different folks I guess. Maybe we should raise our daughters to not have dreams and aspirations, but rather be barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen cooking and fetching beers for the men. After all, they obviously aren't as important.