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RUGER's tip of the day


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Back a few years ago my son went to Guntersville and found this stuff in a local bait shop.

He bought it in the red. It comes in a glass jar and is complete with a warning to keep it out of direct sunlight.
It also says, shake well.
Just so ya know if you do leave it in the sun too long, shake it and then open it, it will spew ALL over you.

Stuff is RIPE too.

I mean when you open the jar anyone in the boat will be like, WHAT.....

Well I went fishing with my ole buddy Tophat Saturday and we were taking his boat.
I carried a couple rods and my tackle box that contains my line cutters and basically everything to panfish with.
I also took a small bass box.
All my "go to" bass stuff stays in my boat in tupperware boxes so I had to get a few things out of there and I just threw them in a plastic sack.
Couple packs of lizards, whacky worms, box of hooks and, of course, my JJ's Magic dip.

BEFORE I put it in the sack, after getting it out of the box I made sure to give the top a little twist to make good and sure it was closed, and it was.

Threw that sack in the front seat of my truck and rolled out.
I stopped at a store on the way to grab something to eat and when I got back in the truck I was like wow, I can really smell that garlic. Didn't think much about it though.

I got there and my buddy had forgot some of his medication and was running about 30 minutes late so I just grabbed my two boxes, rods and sack and headed down towards the ramp and figured I would just fish off the bank for a little while.

Laid one rod down and picked up the other one and made a cast and got another big wiff of that stuff.
Then I looked down and my fingers were all yellow. :bash:

Then I looked down and my entire right pants leg was a pretty color of blue and yellow mixed. :shock:

Yep, somehow that crap had leaked out in the sack and I was carrying one box and that sack in one hand and it had leaked out and rubbed all over my leg all the way to the ramp, which was about a quarter of a mile walk.
Kick in the pants in all of it was I never used any actually fishing so I didn't even need it.

Leave the dip in the box or put it in a seperate ziplock bag if you transport it anywhere.......... :roll:
I keep my dyes in a double zip lock bag. I never take it out of the bag or the boat compartment that it is in to dip a bait it in. I much prefer the markers, but the new ones don't seem to last as long as they used to.

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