Run and gun with a bow?


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2012
Reaction score
Clarksville, TN
So for those of you that are hunting with stick/string.....what tactics are you using? I have a ground blind set up in a good spot, but it seems like all or nothing....I have always been a run/gun with my shotgun, but now I am staying put....but have thought about creating a temp blind that could be attached to my bow to hide any movement, which would allow me to move around more looking for birds.
I love bowhunting turkeys. I have only hunted out of blind while bowhunting but would definitely like to try being a little more mobile.
The only negative about running and gunning with a bow is trying to find a good spot to set up. I haven't turkey hunted with a bow but that would be one of the harder ways to kill one.

Hunt just about everything
If I run and gun with a bow I try to set up with a BIG tree on the shoulder I plan on the turkey coming from. I also try to set up a decoy so he will walk past me . That way I can draw my bow under the cover of the tree as it blocks their veiw. I also try to set up with cedars around if possible. Anything I can use to hide my draw of the bow.
Really big tree, crevice, bedrock, pile of briars, whatever you can use as a backdrop or a cove to sit in and hide.

Called one up with the bow last year, but shot the rock I was hiding behind. Lesson learned, don't sit cross legged where you can get up high enough to shoot over a rock or blowdown you might be hiding behind.

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I don't know who makes it but I seen a guy that had an umbrella type blind that screwed into where the stabilizer goes