Rut during bow season


Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2000
Reaction score
Harriman, TN, USA
This may have been brought up before but with 12 days of bow season between the muzzle and rifle season, it is possible that the heat of the rut will happen during this time period? It would appear to me that there should be quit a bit chasing going on sometime between Nov. 10-21st, which is all bow season.

What do you think.
The best activity I've seen in TN seems to always hit the end of and right after the 1st MZ season and lasts about a week. November 12th was been a good day for me 3yrs in a row.
I just think that 12 day period is too long not to see any rutting activity. Nomally I have a muzzleloader or gun in my hand when I see rutting activity but this year I think it will be a bow.
Oneshot, Like these guys stated some of the most intense rutting/chasing has gone on during that period between the two gun seasons. Grab a bow and hold onto your seat, it's a great time of year to be in the woods.
Yup! I agree..But there is a time in October when it seems just as hot.

I will be in Illinois during that Nov. 10th so i wont be able to see what takes place here. Good luck to all
Not in our area of the state, some pre-rut activity, searching, roaming, but not good rutting.....
BigCountry71 said:
Yup! I agree..But there is a time in October when it seems just as hot.

I will be in Illinois during that Nov. 10th so i wont be able to see what takes place here. Good luck to all

Oh poor pitiful Jeff. He has to spend the best days of the entire year in Illinois :whistle:

camoman270 said:
Not in our area of the state, some pre-rut activity, searching, roaming, but not good rutting.....

This is going to sound a little drastic, but I usually hunt north to south during the first two weeks of Nov. I start off in Clarksville and end up in Columbia. I do think as we go south through the state there are a few days difference in the phases, but that's just my supposition - not fact.
I have hunted from Wayne county to Stewart county , and this period seems to be the best time to be in the woods with a bow in my opinion .
Thanksgiving week is by far the best time to be in the woods for all three of the fayette county properties that I hunt!
Thanksgiving week here and around my Counties. Rutherford, Bedford, Wilson, Cannon, and Williamson. The peak of the rut.
I hunt with a bow during the entire rut .
I like the pre-rut period , not peak of the rut when they are chasing does . Bucks are easier to pattern in the pre rut phase when they are making scrapes and rublines . They can be difficult to get close to with a bow when they are chasing does in the next county .
Thanksgiving is great for gun hunting because bucks are chasing does all over , but this thread was about the best time to bow hunt .
could be...just depends on when the first good cold snap comes in Nov. There is also the false rut in Oct. that I have always seen good movement during. this is traditionally when I go to my best buck stands for the first time.
Very likely could be the best 2 weeks on the calendar this year, especially for middle TN. Seems to be a tad later here in East TN. usually the first week of rifle is good here!
Radar said:
I like the pre-rut period, not peak of the rut when they are chasing does. Bucks are easier to pattern in the pre rut phase when they are making scrapes and rublines. They can be difficult to get close to with a bow when they are chasing does . . . . .
I totally agree, Radar.
For bowhunting, there may be a great opportunity to actually kill an older buck in late pre-rut vs. the actual rut peak/chasing period.

OneShot, when I hunt in mid-November, I usually see more bucks than I do during muzzleloader. But many are flat-out running. Not uncommon to suddenly have a buck burst out of nowhere, running directly under you, but then be out of bow range before you can react and/or just not present an acceptable bowshot. It can be exciting, but not necessarily the best opportunity to take a particular buck with a bow.
Radar said:
I hunt with a bow during the entire rut .
I like the pre-rut period , not peak of the rut when they are chasing does . Bucks are easier to pattern in the pre rut phase when they are making scrapes and rublines . They can be difficult to get close to with a bow when they are chasing does in the next county .
Thanksgiving is great for gun hunting because bucks are chasing does all over , but this thread was about the best time to bow hunt .

Really, dang I must have misread the fellars original post. I thought he asked if bow season between mzl and rifle would be the heat of the rut? In my area no it is not... Yes the bucks will be cruising during this time of yr but not the heat of the rut.
Wes Parrish said:
Radar said:
I like the pre-rut period, not peak of the rut when they are chasing does. Bucks are easier to pattern in the pre rut phase when they are making scrapes and rublines. They can be difficult to get close to with a bow when they are chasing does . . . . .
I totally agree, Radar.
For bowhunting, there may be a great opportunity to actually kill an older buck in late pre-rut vs. the actual rut peak/chasing period.

OneShot, when I hunt in mid-November, I usually see more bucks than I do during muzzleloader. But many are flat-out running. Not uncommon to suddenly have a buck burst out of nowhere, running directly under you, but then be out of bow range before you can react and/or just not present an acceptable bowshot. It can be exciting, but not necessarily the best opportunity to take a particular buck with a bow.

That's what I was getting at , Wes . Although I see allot of bucks during the peak of the rut , they are pre-occupied with chasing does and can be anywhere and moving quickly .
I see more solitary bucks during the pre-rut that are easier to pattern . Getting within bow range of a buck when he is going wide open after does can be frustrating . I have had better luck bowhunting before the peak of the rut .

I usually pattern the does during the peak of the rut and hope for the best .

Getting back to the original post , I would pick that time between Mz. and gun season over any other period of November for the above reasons , and the lack of hunting pressure during this time as well .
Most guys are getting ready for gun season , and have already put the bow up for the season . If you have the vacation time , get out there and enjoy it .
Radar said:
Wes Parrish said:
Radar said:
I like the pre-rut period, not peak of the rut when they are chasing does. Bucks are easier to pattern in the pre rut phase when they are making scrapes and rublines. They can be difficult to get close to with a bow when they are chasing does . . . . .
I totally agree, Radar.
For bowhunting, there may be a great opportunity to actually kill an older buck in late pre-rut vs. the actual rut peak/chasing period.

OneShot, when I hunt in mid-November, I usually see more bucks than I do during muzzleloader. But many are flat-out running. Not uncommon to suddenly have a buck burst out of nowhere, running directly under you, but then be out of bow range before you can react and/or just not present an acceptable bowshot. It can be exciting, but not necessarily the best opportunity to take a particular buck with a bow.

That's what I was getting at , Wes . Although I see allot of bucks during the peak of the rut , they are pre-occupied with chasing does and can be anywhere and moving quickly .
I see more solitary bucks during the pre-rut that are easier to pattern . Getting within bow range of a buck when he is going wide open after does can be frustrating . I have had better luck bowhunting before the peak of the rut .

I usually pattern the does during the peak of the rut and hope for the best .

Getting back to the original post , I would pick that time between Mz. and gun season over any other period of November for the above reasons , and the lack of hunting pressure during this time as well .
Most guys are getting ready for gun season , and have already put the bow up for the season . If you have the vacation time , get out there and enjoy it .
