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Food Plots Rye vs wheat vs oats

Oats is most prone to winter kill, cereal rye (NOT ryegrass) is least. Use is comparable when the others aren't present, but you might see a little difference with them side by side. Cereal rye grows up to 5' tall, so I choose one of the others so I don't have to deal with all the biomass and so the field isn't as high during turkey season.

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You have to compare the best of the seed from each variety of seed to compare. The oats need to be the cheap jerry oats because they don't get tough like the forage oats and the wheat has to be the awnless or beardless then they will be eaten about the same to the ground. The thing about the rye grain is its green when everything else is gone and then its attacked. It has a lot to do with one crop leaving and another crop coming in. A lot of us that would be me included thought the deer just would not eat wheat in my area and all along I wasn't giving them the right kind and some years they wouldn't eat the oats all because of the seed variety. This is what I plant every fall in half of my food plots 3 acres with a white clover the next fall disc the clover in for fertilizer and plant again no need for a spring planting for the deer have clover all summer. I would rather have my food plots eaten to the ground than have a nice green field that the deer will not eat.

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