REN I didn't count my pellets Saturday but just by looking at yours vs mine they pretty much look the same with the longbeards and the mag blends. I'm shooting the exact same set-up as you are. Which one did you think kicked the worst or did you notice any difference? Them ol $40 jellyheads are hard to beat for the money. I've shot one since they first came out. Ain't never had a reason to change either.
I thought the mags still kicked harder but the LB still packed a punch.
The jellyhead actually shot the 3" mags better IMO and to be fair I shot it last after all the other shots on the RR. For the money they are hard to beat and while it didn't have high numbers the pattern was very very even.
Thanks REN! Now I've had to order some of these just to see this for myself and I have no intention of ever shooting lead at a Turkey again. I get caught up in that 10" circle every year