

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2009
Reaction score
Morgan County
What set-up do you prefer during turkey season, sitting along side a field and call ever so often or run-n-gun or just hunt the wood(similar to how you would hunt a field). I prefer the run-n-gun tactic if I'm not hearing anything but I will take the woods over the field any day. Those field birds can be the devil sometimes.
i usually do quite a bit of run and gun myself. most of my field sets are off the roost.
In the mornings I usually set up on a field. In the afternoons I like to run and gun. In the evenings I will usually go back to a field.
I prefer to hunt turkeys. I have no certain way I like to hunt just as long as I can hunt them.
I enjoy every set up but my favorite is sitting in a Strut zone on the top of a mountain in Kentucky waiting for him to come into view as the Chicken is burning the timber down. :cool:
harvester said:
What set-up do you prefer during turkey season, sitting along side a field and call ever so often or run-n-gun or just hunt the wood(similar to how you would hunt a field). I prefer the run-n-gun tactic if I'm not hearing anything but I will take the woods over the field any day. Those field birds can be the devil sometimes.

I usually try to get as close to him as possible at daylight. If I don't get that bird (most of the time I dont) then I go run and gun, if the terrain allows it, which is how I kill most of my birds.
With coaching kids ball teams, etc., 95% of my hunting is early morning before work.

So, I'm going wherever the gobbles lead me. If the talking hasn't started back up, I'm usually gone by 10:00, and will save the vacation time until a morning when they are talking and want to play.
All of my places are woods
so I will run and gun or set up and be patient in a
spot I know the birds like to hang out
Alot of sitting and waiting espicially on henned up birds