Best of times worst of times. Strangest turkey season I've ever had. My trip through the south was a total bust, between the weather and only hearing 2 gobbles in 7 days, it really took the fight out of me.
Came home, hunted opening day with 6" of snow on the ground here in the mtns, but managed to kill one that Sunday. Hunted 7 days straight with almost zero gobbling, killed second bird the second Sunday, but suffered a knee injury retrieving him as he flopped down the mtn. That sidelined me, for 10 days, which sucked beyond description.
When I got back in the woods, it was some of the easiest Turkey hunting I've ever experienced. I either killed or called in to be killed by another, 11 birds in 12 hunts. It was stupid, every morning around 8:30 birds would start on their own, and literally gobble non-stop until they died. The areas I hunted had a surplus of 3 year olds which were left henless when the flocks broke up.
I managed to save one tag from that run, and killed my fourth TN bird the last week of the season.
I've never had birds start so slow in 25 years chasing these things, and I've never had them so hot in Mid April in this area either. End of season they were henned up as they usually are during Mid April.
Overall great year, but the first portion sucked, and the never ending rain got on my nerves as well. I managed to kill all my birds in Ky, TN, VA, but scratched in MS, AL, and GA which has never happened to me.