I'm not a trophy hunter, so if he would step out on me I'd invite him home. I don't get many opportunities at bucks, so if they have horns I take them, but many times I end up with the large does instead, more sausage.
Thanks for the responses. I'd likely shoot if an opportunity arises. One thing about this property is it is only 70 acres broken in to two tracts by a road so we guess the deer move around several other properties. We did not see him or any antlered deer during velvet. All the bucks seem to have gone nocturnal as soon as velvet started. Maybe the rut will get them moving during the day?
Another factor that may not apply now but will at some point in the future; does he have CWD! If you hunt in a hot zone, odds are very good that a mature buck will have CWD. Shoot him now before he succumbs.
Apart from that, I would base my decision on maturity. If you are shooting only 4.5's then you might pass.
With my several mounts I would walk him this year. When I was new to hunting? I'd have taken him and would have been proud. It just depends on your experience.