shot out to 40 yd a couple days ago


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
Reaction score
Franklin TN
as a few of you may know, I have only shot to 30 yards (have a 20 and 30 yard pin), but since I was at the archery range the other day, I figured why not try. shot at least a dozen arrows at 40 yards. After first few shots found to hold my 30 yard pin about 6 inches high. then a few more shots and got decent -

no way I'd shoot a deer this far unless I get a rangefinder or mark the trees before I get in the stand. arrow drops at least 8-10 inches from 20 to 30 and then another 6 inches at 40. rather keep it at 20 yards but good to know I can shoot 40
If your bow was tuned it would be more efficent and wouldn't see as much drop at those distances.
Your arrow drops less from 30 to 40 than it does from 20 to 30? You got a power source on those things?

UTGrad said:
Spend a large part of your time shooting that distance. It makes the 20 yard shots "chip shots"
What he said. 50 yards, even.
Urban_Hunter said:
infoman jr. said:
Your arrow drops less from 30 to 40 than it does from 20 to 30? You got a power source on those things?

LOL, x2???? Jato assist?
I dont know, I was hitting a tad high at 30 so I will have to adjust the pin and check again. Might be more even

What poundage bow do you shoot catman?
haven't got it checked yet, but somewhere in the 60s and bottomed out. arrows are correct spine and length and fairly light. BH's shoot almost identical to FPs so I am assuming it's tuned fairly well...
I bet I know what you're doing at the longer distance. Since it is a bit unfamiliar to you, I bet you have shifted your anchor a smidge and or are unintentionally aiming a bit high. I catch myself doing it too at the longer yardages.

On a side's a Crow story for you. It has already been said in this thread that shooting at longer distance makes the shorter yardages easy. Well...lemme tell ya what that can also do: It can lead to a severe case of over confidence and then an Un Oh with a "chip shot". Trust me...talking from experience here. Prior to my first ASA Pro/Am, I had been practicing at longer yardages for this very try and make the short shots seem easier. What actually happened was...I was nailing the longer shots and then walking up on the short ones, and thinking I had an easy 12...and then fudge on them. Every short distance target we had that shoulda/coulda/woulda been EASY 12s...I ended up shooting bad. I even shot a 5 on one of them at like 18 yards...but drilled 12s on all of the 28-31 yd targets. I learned right then and there...don't take short shots for granted as being easy. I think the big part of it is that you really concentrate at the far yardages...and then when you walk up on a close don't concentrate as hard, and or rush the shot; and you end up hitting bad.
Crow Terminator said:
I bet I know what you're doing at the longer distance. Since it is a bit unfamiliar to you, I bet you have shifted your anchor a smidge and or are unintentionally aiming a bit high. I catch myself doing it too at the longer yardages.

On a side's a Crow story for you. It has already been said in this thread that shooting at longer distance makes the shorter yardages easy. Well...lemme tell ya what that can also do: It can lead to a severe case of over confidence and then an Un Oh with a "chip shot". Trust me...talking from experience here. Prior to my first ASA Pro/Am, I had been practicing at longer yardages for this very try and make the short shots seem easier. What actually happened was...I was nailing the longer shots and then walking up on the short ones, and thinking I had an easy 12...and then fudge on them. Every short distance target we had that shoulda/coulda/woulda been EASY 12s...I ended up shooting bad. I even shot a 5 on one of them at like 18 yards...but drilled 12s on all of the 28-31 yd targets. I learned right then and there...don't take short shots for granted as being easy. I think the big part of it is that you really concentrate at the far yardages...and then when you walk up on a close don't concentrate as hard, and or rush the shot; and you end up hitting bad.
yes sir :cry:
Crow Terminator said:
I bet I know what you're doing at the longer distance. Since it is a bit unfamiliar to you, I bet you have shifted your anchor a smidge and or are unintentionally aiming a bit high. I catch myself doing it too at the longer yardages.

On a side's a Crow story for you. It has already been said in this thread that shooting at longer distance makes the shorter yardages easy. Well...lemme tell ya what that can also do: It can lead to a severe case of over confidence and then an Un Oh with a "chip shot". Trust me...talking from experience here. Prior to my first ASA Pro/Am, I had been practicing at longer yardages for this very try and make the short shots seem easier. What actually happened was...I was nailing the longer shots and then walking up on the short ones, and thinking I had an easy 12...and then fudge on them. Every short distance target we had that shoulda/coulda/woulda been EASY 12s...I ended up shooting bad. I even shot a 5 on one of them at like 18 yards...but drilled 12s on all of the 28-31 yd targets. I learned right then and there...don't take short shots for granted as being easy. I think the big part of it is that you really concentrate at the far yardages...and then when you walk up on a close don't concentrate as hard, and or rush the shot; and you end up hitting bad.

Archery innovations anchor sight will cure that and for sure your long range shooting will help your short range shooting.

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