Should I sell my bow?


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2005
Reaction score
Crossville, TN., U.S.A.
Doesn't look like I'll be able to get out this season. My bow is just sitting there, not even shot it in a couple months. Wonder if I should just sell it and use the money for something I need right now rather then let it sit unused? So, what do ya'll think, keep it or sell it?
If I did trade it I'd try to get a good single shot 12ga and cash so I can get some shifter parts for my truck.LOL.
I'd really like to just get cash for it then I can buy what I want. I just hate to sell it because of all the time I've put into getting the right arrows, tips and fletching set up but like I said, it's just sitting here unused and I could use some cash. I just know that I'll kick myself if I do sell it but like I said, cash would come in real handy right now.
I guess it just depends on how much you like archery hunting and if you think you may recover from your injury.
If it's a bow your comfortable with and think you may bowhunt again, don't sell. From what I've seen you won't get out of it what you put into it and the price of new bows and access are not cheap.
Mine set for a few year and I decide to give it to a kid that would use it and hopefully score his first bow kill with it.

I did the same thing with my first Thompson muzzleloader too ....... the kid still has it and loves it
cecil30-30 said:
I guess it just depends on how much you like archery hunting and if you think you may recover from your injury.
What injury? I'm not injured, I'm unemployed with no money for tags or broadheads so I'm not getting out this season because of that, no injury.
I just think it'd be better so sell it and put the money into my truck and some kind of single shot shotgun then to let the bow just sit and collect dust.
I like shooting my bow, just like racing my truck more,LOL.
Yep, guess that is the answer. Now I just need to figure out how much I'd be willing to let it go for. Figure with all I've got into it I'd only be losing about $100 bucks if I could get $225 out of it. Of course you know how "used" bows sell, you get about .25 cents on the dollar now days. Heck, someone trade me a good single shot 12ga and $125 bucks and we'll call it a deal,LOL
Next year when things are looking a little better bet you wish you had that bow back. I would not sell it unless it was to put food on the table or something.
Yep, point taken but I'm not sure what'll be going on next year. If I get a job I can always buy something newer and more updated. IDK, I guess If I get a decent offer on it then I'll kick it around but I don't think I'll advertise that it's for sale.