shoulder shots hate!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2010
Reaction score
Bradley County, TN.
Got out this morning and by 7:15 had a geat broadside at 35+/- yards. Doe was relaxed and I pinned behind the ol shoulder... thwack!! goodbye arrow, see ya doe and after 10 I went for two hours tracking... no arrow, no blood, no success in finding the deer!!! Be back out late today, maybe I'l stick another one with better success!
man I hate it when that happens... happened to me the first of the year. thouhgt my shot placement was perfect only to find little pin drops..
Been there , done that on a 150 class buck a few years ago . Hit him high in the shoulder , tracked him for hours and lost the blood , but saw him the next day after a doe . Made me feel better , knowing I made a bad shot and he was still alive . Many shoulder hit deer will survive , unless hit in the vitals .
I went for years without a passthrough shooting a 60lb Matthews Q2 and mechanical broadheads.

Go to a heavy fixed blade head and heavier arrows. Your bow will be quieter and you will plow right through the shoulders.

Will you lose some speed? Sure, but at 20 yards, there is very little difference. I am now shooting a 45lb recurve and I can shoot right through them with a 250 grain broadhead going way slower than a compound.

Here is a link that will really help. ... n-W19.aspx

If you want to go past the technical data, just skip to the "What does this mean for bowhunters section".
Change this and you will probably be posting a kill pic :)
Hit a buck in the shoulder mid October and lost him. Poor shot on my part an lesson learned.

I was shooting the huge 2" Grim Reaper Whitetail Special which is not recommended for shoulder shots.

I've gone to the Slick Trick Standard since I want to prepare for worst case vs best case scenario.

I'm getting 73 lbs KE
I had my first shoulder shot this year on my target buck. Fortunately, I was able to kill him with the gun. You can check out the pic of the shoulder shot in my thread. It is somewhere in the serious forum under Ky Buck.