My farm is same way. Total lockdown! Its been that way for 2 weeks now. I went in yesterday at 11, at 3:30 4 hens came into field. They dusted on edge of field then just laid in the shade in the field til 6;30 kinda looking around. If 4 hens can't get no action,.. I sure can't!! I have not heard a gobble there since opening weekend. And I had the whole 1st week off.
My other place to hunt is on fire!! They are henned up bad, but at least they gobble. They will gobble with hens, gobble at crows, woodpeckers, car doors, heck I think I farted once and they gobbled!LOL! I got within 60 yards of a good one this morning, but I know my guns limit and that's to much.
Really strange the difference between the 2 places.