Smart phone check in?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2002
Reaction score
Bellevue and Carroll Co TN
I tried to check in a bird for my friend on my phone. No deal.
It took all the information except the spur length.
Spur length was 1 inch. I put in 1 and it said invalid, I put in 1 in, and it said invalid, I put in 1 inch and it said invalid.
Then it came up with invalid for beard length which was 10 inches.
At first it took "10" but later said invalid.

What should I have put in each blank???? :bash:

Sure with they would go to a Telecheck like KY. Have used theirs for 17 years with zero problems.
I guess what corker said? Both my Spurs were decimal amounts so I didn't have that issue. But when I put in the weight as a decimal amount it said it was invalid, so I had to go with just 20 for the weight.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Mine rounded. Spurs were 1.125. It rounded to 1.13. Beard was 10.375 and it rounded to 10. Weight was 18.25 but kept saying invalid. It finally accepted it when I just put 18
Maybe it's cause Tenn has so many hillbillies they don't think most of y'all can convert fractions to decimals lol
All of my mobile checkins, both deer and turkey, have been smooth as silk with my iPhone.