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Smoked a Good one


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2009
Chapel Hill
Well after sleeping in on Saturday morning and not hunting. My Dad and I went to farm we have been hunting for a couple of years now. We got about 100 yards from where we were going to set up and heard on sound off right in front of us. We got to our spot set the decoys out and got set down. He gobbled one more time and next thing we know he's on the ground about 150 yards away. This bird never shut up. He would gobble at cows, black birds, and our calling but would never move. We had two more gobbling to the right of us still on roost. Two hens flew down to big boy and started to work our way. Now what we thought were two mature gobblers to the right of us turned our to be Jakes, but dang they gobbled like Toms. Anyway, the hens worked to us with big man about 10 yards behind them. When he got within shooting distance I dropped the hammer. Waited for the Jakes to leave before we got up and when we got to him. Well I knew he had a big beard but I didn't know he had...3.

My first multi beard bird. He weighed 19.75 pounds, Had and 11.5 an 8 and a 3 inch beard with 1 1/8 spurs.

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