Chicken for me is difficult because there is a fine line between done and dry meat. This is probably not considered a "traditional" method but its my favorite for smoked chicken. What I do first is put my chicken pieces in a brine of water, salt, sugar, honey, thyme, rosemary, and oregano for about 4-6 hrs. While I pat the chicken dry I bring my cooker up to around 275-300F (preferably 300F). Next I melt some butter in the bottom of an aluminum pan (for a larger pan about 3 sticks) and place the chicken coated in dry rub in the pan with butter. Put pan of chicken in your smoker for an hour. Take chicken out of butter lightly reapply dry rub and put back in smoker this time directly on rack. Smoke directly until your internal temp reaches 165F (in my experience 30-45 minutes). After internal temp is reached brush down with your favorite sauce and let it smoke another 30 minutes. Take your chicken off and if you wish brush a little more sauce on (I usually don't but thats just my preference).
I cook at 300F because with chicken I feel like the hotter temp gives me a better skin, while allowing an appropriate amount of smoke penetration. Cooler temps say 225F like you would smoke a butt will normally give you a soggy? skin. Side note on butter in pan, you just want enough to come up the side of your chicken, you do not want to submerge it. Like I said not necessarily a traditional way of smoking chicken probably but it has worked well for me in the past and I'm no pro.