

Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2009
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i had a very interesting hunt this afternoon, id been watching this strutter for the first two days. i finally felt that i had his number but i had to setup in some very thick tall weeds along the edge of a field. WELL some where around 430 i heard something coming up the edge of the field(i knew it wasnt a turkey). lo and behold about a shotgun length in front of me was about a two feet long copperhead(so im pretty sure im not good at telling the brand and dont really care, i hate them all) i shoved my shot gun in his face, and he coiled up. i didnt really want to shoot because he was so close. we had a stand off for about ten minutes (my heart was already back at the truck).he finally turned and went back the way he came. and the turkeys well they showed up but the hens busted me before the strutter even gto close enough for a shot. what an afternoon.
If you had just sat there and not moved he would have went right on past you.

Or crawled up your britches leg one. ;)
Well, no snakes, but one hen, one tom, both out of range. The hen busted me. Longhunter was busted by the tom. And jumped two whitetails off bed about 5 yards in front of me. Glad I took one before the hunt. Or I would have came back a brown-tail.
I don't get the snake paranoia, sure no one likes them to surprise you, but if you leave them alone they will leave you alone. This coming from a guy who has been bitten by a cotton mouth. I never kill them, just go on about my business.
Agree w/ Setterman. I've walked past many rattlers and they never entertained the idea of striking me as long as I kept my distance.
agree, i aint killing one unless i just have to. we sorta have a do your thing i will do mine, as long as you mind YOUR business i will do the same lol

it has worked out to this point.
Setterman said:
I don't get the snake paranoia, sure no one likes them to surprise you, but if you leave them alone they will leave you alone. This coming from a guy who has been bitten by a cotton mouth. I never kill them, just go on about my business.

I can't help my snake paranoia. I've always been scared of 'em since I was a kid. To this day, I can't even go to the reptile house at the freakin zoo. I currently work in an ICU at a large metropolitan hospital. I've seen my fare share of individuals bitten by snakes (rattlers in particular) and the near death experiences they've encountered.

Granted...I have never witnessed anyone die as a result of a snake bite and all snake bite victims don't end up in the ICU. Still, I encourage all of you to be very careful as it is never a pleasant experience.
We had an encounter with a big rattler Sat afternoon. My buddy and his step son were walking on our place down a woods road, and came across this big snake coiled in the road, with its head up and its tail shaking. It startled the younger, whom my buddy said leaped straight up as high as he could! He wanted to kill it, but my friend wouldn't let him. We have killed some of the bigger ones in the past, but in the past couple of years, we let them go on their way. Just watch where you step, and I hope that is enough to keep our worlds separate. At least by a few feet. lol
Setterman said:
I don't get the snake paranoia, sure no one likes them to surprise you, but if you leave them alone they will leave you alone. This coming from a guy who has been bitten by a cotton mouth. I never kill them, just go on about my business.

Poor Cotton Mouth...probably died of blood poisoning! :D
Only good snake is a dead snake! By all means let it go by so it can bite the next unlucky hunter or person it comes by. :crazy: