i had a very interesting hunt this afternoon, id been watching this strutter for the first two days. i finally felt that i had his number but i had to setup in some very thick tall weeds along the edge of a field. WELL some where around 430 i heard something coming up the edge of the field(i knew it wasnt a turkey). lo and behold about a shotgun length in front of me was about a two feet long copperhead(so im pretty sure im not good at telling the brand and dont really care, i hate them all) i shoved my shot gun in his face, and he coiled up. i didnt really want to shoot because he was so close. we had a stand off for about ten minutes (my heart was already back at the truck).he finally turned and went back the way he came. and the turkeys well they showed up but the hens busted me before the strutter even gto close enough for a shot. what an afternoon.