Snakes for turkeys?


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2012
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Bethpage tn
A guy came up from spring hill/columbia area saturday to buy a mower I had for sale,I had just come up from hunting that morning.Got started talking about turkeys and he said at one time TWRA had released rattle snakes in spring hill to control the turkey population.Has anyone heard this one before? I would definately rather have the turkeys :)
Back when I was young my family and i had about 1500 acres we could hunt in spring hill. Supposedly they were releasing 1rattlesnake for each turkey because the coyotes would mess with the rattler and get bit to control coyotes from getting the turkeys, but that was supposedly in the theta area and all word of mouth.
I have actually heard of that Twra denies it though so idk.I know that around some where near a guys house that I played ball with. After all those rumors started they started seeing a whole lot more rattle snakes in there yard and in there neighbor yards. Idk if it was a corisidence or what.
hahah why in the world would they release snakes for turkeys? that may be one of the craziest rumers i have heard to date. If you want to use another animal to control turkeys (which i dont believe for one sec the twra did) then skunks and other small egg getters are a MUCH better idea.
If they wanted to control the turkey population they would make people start shooting two hens before they can gobbler hunt, start loggin timber and bushogging during the months of April, May and June, and release animals such has skunks, coons, possums, house cats, stray dogs, armidillos, and hogs.
He was an older guy that never hunted, he said the snakes would eat the eggs,prob heard it from a friend that heard it from a friend.... I thought it was a funny story anyway
woodsman87 said:
If they wanted to control the turkey population they would make people start shooting two hens before they can gobbler hunt, start loggin timber and bushogging during the months of April, May and June, and release animals such has skunks, coons, possums, house cats, stray dogs, armidillos, and hogs.

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