So aggravating..

I know what you mean. Every year on the opening morning of bow season I have heard one rifle shot. This has happened the last 3 years in a row. I think with the online check in app, someone is just shooting a deer for the freezer and checking it in as a bow kill. Probably a landowner. But maybe not even checking it in. The first year I heard the shot close by, one of my labs drug up a fresh deer hind leg in the yard a couple days after I heard the shot. Some people just poach no matter what.
Why does everyone always assume poaching. Some people target shoot. Maybe small game hunting. If every shot that rang out was true we wouldn't have much wildlife!
Thats true, but it is a very likely time to snipe a coyote in your back hayfield or transecting your from cut corn cornfield. I do it quite often

True enough. I wouldn't say some of the shots aren't that. But it sure seems an awful lot of coyotes start hanging out in back yards when archery season opens.

Several days ago a truck turned into the property entrance, turned its lights off, and cruised the fields quick at 6am, then pulled out and left. I was walking to my stand. He drove within feet of me and never seemed to see me. Had a good buck been in the field, I suppose he'd have just looked at it instead of pulling a rifle. Maybe he was just looking for coyotes? He had no permission to be there, so at minimum he was trespassing and knew it. I'm all about giving folks the benefit of doubt, but sometimes trying to be reasonable is unreasonable. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck, sounds like a duck .... it's a duck.
My Buddy and I sighted in our muzzleloaders today, but it was at 10 am not 6:30. Hopefully someone was shooting coyotes.
Why does everyone always assume poaching. Some people target shoot. Maybe small game hunting. If every shot that rang out was true we wouldn't have much wildlife!

Where a shot comes from, the time, and the caliber/type of firearm matters. I generally don't like accusing anybody of anything. But man if it's barely light and I hear a single 30/06 size rifle in October, it's not small game hunters nor is it target shooters.
Where a shot comes from, the time, and the caliber/type of firearm matters. I generally don't like accusing anybody of anything. But man if it's barely light and I hear a single 30/06 size rifle in October, it's not small game hunters nor is it target shooters.
I've never sat there and thought geez, they got their 30-06 out already? Never could differentiate between it and a 243 or a 7 mag. I like to stick my rifle out the door at random and keep my neighbors guessing.
I mean if your going to poach why wait till archery season. I would imagine most poachers just shoot them whenever they want
I know of some guys in Morgan county that shoot them all summer when they run out of jerky meat. They're in their corn fields and I think they wrongly feel it's ok since they're eating their crops. I know they're illegal but there aren't enough officers to catch them all.
I've never sat there and thought geez, they got their 30-06 out already? Never could differentiate between it and a 243 or a 7 mag. I like to stick my rifle out the door at random and keep my neighbors guessing.

A big rifle sounds completely different than a shotgun, completely different than a muzzleloader, completely different than a .22lr. And when a big rifle sounds off outside of daylight, it begs question.