Opening morning, Saturday, started out with a few gobblers working in my area before sunrise only to die off in the rain. We ended that day at sundown without seeing a single turkey.
Sunday, had church early and then plans to do a few things, so got out around 4. I returned to the field I heard those gobblers. After an hour with no gobblers or sightings, I decided it was time to move on. I moved a few miles down closer to the edge of a river, making a call every 100 yards or so. As I was walking down the river I noticed to male turkeys, most likely Jakes (kind of far to know for sure other than it was indeed two male turkeys), sitting on the river bank just across from us. I decided to move on as there was no hope there. I finally got set up in the field sometime around 5-530. After about an hour there, I noticed a male, non-strutter, feeding about 100 yards to my right. I gave him a soft call to which he payed no interest. He soon retired back to the woods. About 20 minutes later, he was back pecking at the soft ground from the previous days rain. I decided to wait a few minutes this time then try to give him a few clucks, this again did not catch his interest. He then once again strolled back into the woods. Right before Sundown, I decide to go in after him, see if I could make magic. Well, as I get out of the blind, in my excitement to chase down a possible first turkey, I poke my head out and naturally facing the opposite direction of that single turkey, are two male turkeys, of medium or so size, making their way to my decoys. I could just kick myself as they freeze and turn tail and head into the woods. Ultimately, I could not track them down, or get them to return.
Monday, I return to the same spot after work, around 5, with no gobbles or sightings at all.
Tuesday, (its getting interesting out here), I once again go back to the same spot. I arrive after work this time around 430. At around 515, a few calls since arriving, my girl nudges me and shows me a herd about 200 or so yards in front of us in the middle of the field. I get out my binocs, and start counting, 5 turkey feeding, then heads slowly pop up and down of those feeding, 7 turkey at minimum so far. Maybe mostly hens, then I focus on a few red headed dark bodies. Well, at this point, I was satisfied enough to take a large Jake home with me for the first one. I make a soft call a few minutes later to get them to notice my decoys. Off to the right and behind them, she taps me again as I am focused on the herd. Two large strutting Toms are showing off for me. The delicate dance has begun, as I try to remember everything I have learned here. I do not want to over call them, and lose them. For about 45 minutes or so I am softly calling and clucking at these Toms about every 10-15 minutes. They stop to feed occasionally, then strut a little more towards me. They are getting closer, and closer, slowly, but surely. Just outside of shot range, and I want to take the one with the bigger beard, so I need them to come even closer.
They get spooked! Run full sprint right to the edge of the field and are gone. My heart is pumping! What happened! I was almost sure I could have left there with a good first turkey! I look around, and to my right, two men in bright white T-shirts are coming at me fishing pole in hand. "Hey man! Sorry if we startled you! There were Turkey in the field?!?! I didn't see them, sorry!"
Well... thats about all I have to say. As it is public land, and crap happens.
Still have to thank the Lord for a beautiful day in the field, eyes on some beautiful birds.
Sunday, had church early and then plans to do a few things, so got out around 4. I returned to the field I heard those gobblers. After an hour with no gobblers or sightings, I decided it was time to move on. I moved a few miles down closer to the edge of a river, making a call every 100 yards or so. As I was walking down the river I noticed to male turkeys, most likely Jakes (kind of far to know for sure other than it was indeed two male turkeys), sitting on the river bank just across from us. I decided to move on as there was no hope there. I finally got set up in the field sometime around 5-530. After about an hour there, I noticed a male, non-strutter, feeding about 100 yards to my right. I gave him a soft call to which he payed no interest. He soon retired back to the woods. About 20 minutes later, he was back pecking at the soft ground from the previous days rain. I decided to wait a few minutes this time then try to give him a few clucks, this again did not catch his interest. He then once again strolled back into the woods. Right before Sundown, I decide to go in after him, see if I could make magic. Well, as I get out of the blind, in my excitement to chase down a possible first turkey, I poke my head out and naturally facing the opposite direction of that single turkey, are two male turkeys, of medium or so size, making their way to my decoys. I could just kick myself as they freeze and turn tail and head into the woods. Ultimately, I could not track them down, or get them to return.
Monday, I return to the same spot after work, around 5, with no gobbles or sightings at all.
Tuesday, (its getting interesting out here), I once again go back to the same spot. I arrive after work this time around 430. At around 515, a few calls since arriving, my girl nudges me and shows me a herd about 200 or so yards in front of us in the middle of the field. I get out my binocs, and start counting, 5 turkey feeding, then heads slowly pop up and down of those feeding, 7 turkey at minimum so far. Maybe mostly hens, then I focus on a few red headed dark bodies. Well, at this point, I was satisfied enough to take a large Jake home with me for the first one. I make a soft call a few minutes later to get them to notice my decoys. Off to the right and behind them, she taps me again as I am focused on the herd. Two large strutting Toms are showing off for me. The delicate dance has begun, as I try to remember everything I have learned here. I do not want to over call them, and lose them. For about 45 minutes or so I am softly calling and clucking at these Toms about every 10-15 minutes. They stop to feed occasionally, then strut a little more towards me. They are getting closer, and closer, slowly, but surely. Just outside of shot range, and I want to take the one with the bigger beard, so I need them to come even closer.
They get spooked! Run full sprint right to the edge of the field and are gone. My heart is pumping! What happened! I was almost sure I could have left there with a good first turkey! I look around, and to my right, two men in bright white T-shirts are coming at me fishing pole in hand. "Hey man! Sorry if we startled you! There were Turkey in the field?!?! I didn't see them, sorry!"
Well... thats about all I have to say. As it is public land, and crap happens.
Still have to thank the Lord for a beautiful day in the field, eyes on some beautiful birds.