So How is Your Opening Day Going.


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2002
Reaction score
Lebanon,TN USA
9:50 this morning. My backyard. 13 toms 22 hens.

Great morning!

Got in the woods about an hour before sun up and listened. Rain quit about 15 minutes before we walked in. Birds real quiet untill 15 minutes after sunrise. Called up a gobbler and was moving towards him and somthing was circleing me in the woods. Got within about 200 yds of him and he quit. I went back up to the field and set up. 2 coyotes came out just out of range. I guess they were working me. Man I need to kill them yotes! Walking out I saw yote tracks everywhere. They have been running that area real heavy.

Got a little muddy and a little wet bet all in all it was alot of fun.
went out at about 10 and went and just set up in a holler and had 6 hens and 1 jake walk within 20 yards but i dont like to shoot jakes i like to kill what they grow up into next year
Had a great day! Watched turkeys off and on all day Friday to figure out what we should do Saturday. Set the blind up in a HUGE field and apparently every turkey on the farm flew down in that field. Watched them fool around in one corner till 8:30. Slipped outta the blind, over a levee and took rounders. Took us an hour and a half but we finally worked within killing range.
Me and my youngest son (19) both killed longbeards.

Do I have to use photobucket or some other host so I can post pictures?