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Food Plots So, what do you do with your corn?


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2010
Huntsville, AL
I've been planting food plots on my farms for years, but never planted corn until this year. I planted about 2 acres of it on Memorial Day and it is looking really good.

A few questions...

What do you do with it once it matures? Do you leave it standing? Cut some of it? Cut all of it? Any advice based on your mistakes/success in the past?

I might cut a few strips so I could see, shooting lanes if you will.

Id leave the rest standing. If you mow it down, it just gets wasted in my opinion. Leaving it standing tge shucks ptotect the kernels and keeps it dry.

Deer will utilize it much longer I feel.
I plant 2 1/2 acres every year. I bushhog two rows at a time all throughout muzzle loader and gun season and still have corn standing in January. Turn the ground yellow game will show up.
I left mine standing last year until Dec, and the deer didn't seem to pay it much mind until I bushhogged some of it. Soon as that corn hit the ground I had deer all over it.

Ran a bushhog thru some more of it a few weeks later and the deer reacted like the tractor was the dinner bell - had them poking around the edge of the woods while I was still cutting.

I left about half of it standing and the parts I left standing I cut swaths thru it
CAMARO12 said:
Is it considered baiting if you bushhog the corn and hunt over it??

IMO, there isn't any differences between bush hog corn field and corn poured on the ground. Both attract deer to a location, how ever, one is legal and one isn't. To answer your question, yes its legal to hunt a bush hog corn field

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