A few days ago I was in hunting in Marshall county and I stopped at a guys house close to the property that I hunt to see if I could get permission to hunt. He said he would let me but his wife doesn't like hunting so it was probably best that I didn't, anyways, we got to talking and he said TWRA has been trapping turkeys on his property and exporting them to Texas, he said they trapped 75 birds off of his property last year. I first wondered why texas? But then I figured they were bringing them out there to breed the easterns with the rios to get the rio/eastern started. He said TWRA was receiving $50 per bird. If there's any truth to this I think it's complete bull crap. They could be turning these turkeys loose in places in tennessee that has had major population decline or places in the state that doesn't have a very good turkey population. We are paying for our license to hunt turkeys and they are taking them away and exporting them out of state, TWRA is making money on both ends. Now I'm not saying that it really happening but I don't see why that guy would lie to me for no reason. What is everyone else's thoughts on this?