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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2010
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Franklin TN
until fall season. Is it just me starting to get a little edgy about it already? I mean I have been occupied with fishing so much lately you'd think it wouldn't be in my mind but as any season nears, it always starts creeping into my mind. I might try some pre season scouting and find where they are feeding most and possibly where they are roosting, and then when I hunt I will probably sit and wait for the flock to move in. Either that or running and gunning trying to find the big flocks and stalking. I want to get some meat this fall, enough that I will have to freeze some.
yeah I am sure it is completely different, but I wouldn't mind sneaking up on a big winter flock and busting a hen or two or maybe a longbeard more for the meat than anything. The one jake I killed this spring was delicious but the meat didn't last long enough..... Not getting my hopes up, but I would like to try and get 6 birds this fall for the meat.
I love spring hunting but fall is time to deer hunt.
Gravey said:
I looooooove turkey hunting but just don't get excited about it in the fall. I used to put in for all of the permits and then hardly ever went. It's just not the same to me as chasing them in the spring.

Definatly not the same to me either chad but this is a time to leave those ole big boys alone and kill those STUPID women that messed you up this spring :mad:
Game ON DELK lets get it son!
spitndrum said:
Gravey said:
I looooooove turkey hunting but just don't get excited about it in the fall. I used to put in for all of the permits and then hardly ever went. It's just not the same to me as chasing them in the spring.

Definatly not the same to me either chad but this is a time to leave those ole big boys alone and kill those STUPID women that messed you up this spring :mad:
Game ON DELK lets get it son!
Nobody kills as many as Burd in the fall :D but I will be hunting Maury co so I hope I get a few good chances too
Swamphunter said:
Gravey said:
I looooooove turkey hunting but just don't get excited about it in the fall. It's just not the same to me as chasing them in the spring.

Same here. Fall "turkey hunting" is not turkey hunting. I wish they would stop it all together. Or at least the hen killing. I will never understand why any turkey hunter would want to kill a hen. :crazy:

meat is meat
Swamphunter said:
stik said:
meat is meat

What a moronic post. If that were the case, we should just slaughter everything we can with no thoughts about conservation and wildlife management. If I was hurting that bad for meat, and couldn't kill a deer because of those evil turkeys, I would contact hunters for the hungry. (Or improve my hunting skills.) ;)

my freezer is always full at the end of the season. :cool:

if it does no harm, why not shoot hens?
Swamphunter said:
According to Dr. Lovett Williams, the top turkey biologist in the world, it does do harm. I put more stock in his opinions on turkey biology and management than anyone else.

ok but there have been fall hunts in morgan county for several years now and i see no fewer turkeys than before the hunts.
Swamphunter said:
stik said:
Swamphunter said:
According to Dr. Lovett Williams, the top turkey biologist in the world, it does do harm. I put more stock in his opinions on turkey biology and management than anyone else.

ok but there have been fall hunts in morgan county for several years now and i see no fewer turkeys than before the hunts.

How can I argue with that logic? I'm giving you the opinions of the top turkey biologist in the world, and you dispute it with what one man sees in one place in one county? And not even data? Just what you see? Geeze.
Maury county continues to be the top turkey producing county and with 12,800 acres of public land, I am sure plenty of hens are killed in the fall. Doesn't seem to hurt the population there either.

Fall hunt is a management hunt, turkeys can get over populated can't they? And that's why the bag limits are different for each county.

But I shouldn't argue with the top turkey biologist, that is, after I have seen his explanation and not just someone mentioning what he said.
Swamphunter said:
stik said:
Swamphunter said:
According to Dr. Lovett Williams, the top turkey biologist in the world, it does do harm. I put more stock in his opinions on turkey biology and management than anyone else.

ok but there have been fall hunts in morgan county for several years now and i see no fewer turkeys than before the hunts.

How can I argue with that logic? I'm giving you the opinions of the top turkey biologist in the world, and you dispute it with what one man sees in one place in one county? And not even data? Just what you see? Geeze.

i'm trying to learn something here. how is it harmful if the turkey population is not suffering?
Well I have done a lot more research on turkey hunting than turkey biology so maybe I need to brush up ;)

Still, I don't see or hear of any harm being done in those over-abundant counties that allow fall hunts and no, I am not becoming one of those who will "justify killing hens in any way possible". If I see a longbeard this fall, you bet I will take him. If I see a good sized hen, she goes down too. I'm hunting for meat and staying within the limits, now how is there something wrong with that, unless the limits are wrong?. I'm just trying to give the TWRA a little credit for knowing how to manage wildlife... if it weren't for them and the NWTF we wouldn't have such good turkey populations.
spitndrum said:
Gravey said:
I looooooove turkey hunting but just don't get excited about it in the fall. I used to put in for all of the permits and then hardly ever went. It's just not the same to me as chasing them in the spring.

Definatly not the same to me either chad but this is a time to leave those ole big boys alone and kill those STUPID women that messed you up this spring :mad:
Game ON DELK lets get it son!
There was a time if one walked by during bow season I would have busted it but I've about given up bow hunting as I don't care anything about hunting deer when it's 90+ degrees so that means no chances at a turkey. I'll be honest though, I don't want to shoot the hens. Just my personal feeling on it. There has been a bearded hen I've been tested on but to this point I've let her walk.
Swamphunter said:
catman529 said:
Well I have done a lot more research on turkey hunting than turkey biology so maybe I need to brush up ;)

Still, I don't see or hear of any harm being done in those over-abundant counties that allow fall hunts and no, I am not becoming one of those who will "justify killing hens in any way possible". If I see a longbeard this fall, you bet I will take him. If I see a good sized hen, she goes down too. I'm hunting for meat and staying within the limits, now how is there something wrong with that, unless the limits are wrong?. I'm just trying to give the TWRA a little credit for knowing how to manage wildlife... if it weren't for them and the NWTF we wouldn't have such good turkey populations.

Oh, to be young, naive, clueless and think you know it all. If you think TWRA cares about managing turkeys, you are lost. If they did, they would manage by county or unit. TWRA has said that as long as there are 30,000 turkeys killed statewide they are happy. Nevermind the counties that need help with their turkey population. Like I have said before: Do some research and form your own opinions. If you swallow what any govt agency tells you hook, line and sinker, you are always going to be in the dark.
Well first, I dont think I know it all. I think I can't research enough... there is too much information out there. I also got to do some research rather than just talk about the little I know here. And come to think of it I don't agree with everything TWRA comes up with so you could be very right, maybe they don't know what they are doing with managing turkeys.

So now what about all the hens killed every year by yotes or other predators? I bet if you killed a few yotes and a hen or two every year, you wouldn't be hurting the population. Just my guess though.

Now since Maury County has so many birds already and doesn't show signs of declining, I will be happy to take a couple hens this fall if I can.

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