ok out of the blue my bow started shooting to the right... i havent touched anything or changed anything ..that i know of. im bummed to say the least a week before i get to actually go hunting.
usually when that happens to me i changed something really minor and unoticeable in my form. my bow isnt very forgiving though. i gotta be pretty meticulous.
There are a number of things that could be the cause of it. Even though you are shooting to the right, how are your groups? Are they as tight as they were, or are they opening up?
My guess is the string has stretched. That is probably causing you to anchor off a little bit. It could also be causing a change in grip. It could be a multitude of things. When you draw back, does the peep align or are you having to twist your string beforehand?
arrows still grouping just about 6 inches to the right of where it was.i checked everything i could just measure last night gonna shhot again today and see whats what