Son of a ...


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2011
Reaction score
Franklin County, TN
I was just giving my bow one last once over after shooting this evening and notice that my cables are fraying. One strand is completely separated. Apparently, when the cables were put on they were put on such that the cable slide is rendered useless. I normally don't focus on the cables when at full draw so didn't see the rub. Of course this happens 3 days before opening weekend. Looks like i will be begging Taylor's Archery in T-town to hook me up or I will be crossbowing it Saturday morning.

It's always something.
Seems like every year i have something go wrong too. My very first year bowhunting 2 days before the season my sight got a crack in it. Then its seems its somehting every year. Just changed out my whisker in the wB 2 weeks ago. hopefully that was my one thing.

Good luck
Good luck. Two years a buddy dry fired my bow and cracked a limb 2 weeks prior to opening day and last year I dropped a broadhead and cut my cable. This year I have two bows ready to go!!