GREAT looking bow and your gonna love that quiver, it is only one i have found better than tight spot, might want to do a little chrono testing with those string silencers... there is quite a bit of info on archerytalk about how sensitive the insanity is to any increase in weight on the string besides peep and loop, i believe some testing with chrono showed that if you took one of the speed knocks of the string on each end that the string silencers wouldnt cause any significant speed loss but if you put them on without changing anything else I think the avg loss was about 10 fps, the stock string stop is super loud but you can get a bowjax enhancer for it and it really really helps, also one other performance thing you might want to try is getting rid of that brass nock once you get your nock height set perfectly and tie in a nock and you will probably see a small increase in fps as well, so far a lot of ppl are getting the nock height to tune best pretty close to parallel (i myself was worried to go all the way parallel because there wouldnt be enough downward pressure on the rest), im sure you know this but on the overdrive binary system you actually measure your center shot for your rest and then yoke tune it to perfect center shot (vs adjusting the rest side to side) and let me tell you it is amazing how good it will tune like this mostly due to the limited amount of riser torque this bow has at full draw i think, if you shoot with a low wrist you may want to look at a full torqueless grip because like me you may have a hard time not heeling this particular bow no matter how far you turn your hand out, but if you shoot with a high wrist you will probably really like the grip just like it is, the back wall is incredible isnt it?