Sports Betting Question for the Gamblers(long post)


Well-Known Member
Apr 3, 2011
Reaction score
Shelby County, TN
I like to bet on College football games. I rarely bet on anything else besides maybe a few Super Bowl prop bets. I bet on teams I like but also bet on games that I would otherwise have no interest in watching if I didn't have a little "skin in the game". So I basically place bets around 20 weeks per year.

My question is (as the sole income earner in a household of 4) what amount of money as a percentage of income do you think is appropriate to gamble with per year?

Based on my betting history I'm at about 5.5% of my income per year, but that is over about a fairly short ~20week period during College football season. I have consistently won money but have taken advantage of a lot of the promotional incentives and "boosts". I understand those promotions will likely go away as sports betting becomes legal in more states.
we may not win this coastal game yet…

I don't really keep up with my total amounts. But i would never allow myself to loose over 6-800 bucks a year. Win some lose some but I'm not making nor losing large amounts
Small timer at betting. I've not invested more than $300 since it's been legal in Tennessee. That's way less than 1% of my income. It does make the games more interesting.
I may make two bets a week. Usually a college parlay and nfl parlay mostly small amounts $10-$20 range just for fun.

I did really good during March madness last basketball season. And with ncaa basketball parlays

I don't really bet on baseball much maybe the world series.
Bankroll Management is the key to all gambling. Set aside a certain amount you are willing to gamble with and lose. if that number is $200 that is your bankroll. If that number is $2000 and your comfortable loosing that amount without it interfering with your bills, lifestyle or making or breaking you in anyway then that is your bankroll. NEVER GO ABOVE IT. IF you lose it quit till you build it back up.

I tend to make safer bets and make tiny profits rather than going for broke and shooting for the stars. I will from time to time gamble with my profits but keep my Bankroll safe .

Good Luck.
FanDuel has a "Transaction history" under your account tab. I would think the others do too.
all 4 of the sites i use (if that tells you anything) has that. But I still don't take the time to go back and figure it up. I'd guesstimate that I wager a couple thousand each year total. But again you win some you lose some

Some weeks i have 3-4 bets. Some weeks i might have 10+

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