Spypoint Cell cam question


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
I've got a spypoint Link S dark cellular camera I just set up. Worked fine during the initial test where you have it send instantaneous pictures (to forgo waiting for the transmit times). Then I set it up and left it to do its job. Now it won't stop taking pictures. It takes a picture a minute of nothing, and transmits as many at 200 pictures back at a time. I used my free 100 shots/month during the first transmission. I know the app is connecting with the camera, as I've changed the hour format, and the transmit time intervals, and the camera adjusts accordingly. So, there are 2 problems. First is the fact it triggers on even the lowest sensitivity, and second it triggers every minute. I've even adjusted the interval between shots to 10 minutes, but it still triggers every minute. Has anyone experienced this type of problem before?
I'm not much help but I constantly hear these problems with their cameras.

I believe updates solve some of the problems…at least temporarily. I haven't owned one but several friends have and they are all switching to other brands
Batteries will die soon! I'd call customer service.

Where did you take that buck in avatar? He is very nice!!!
I've got a spypoint Link S dark cellular camera I just set up. Worked fine during the initial test where you have it send instantaneous pictures (to forgo waiting for the transmit times). Then I set it up and left it to do its job. Now it won't stop taking pictures. It takes a picture a minute of nothing, and transmits as many at 200 pictures back at a time. I used my free 100 shots/month during the first transmission. I know the app is connecting with the camera, as I've changed the hour format, and the transmit time intervals, and the camera adjusts accordingly. So, there are 2 problems. First is the fact it triggers on even the lowest sensitivity, and second it triggers every minute. I've even adjusted the interval between shots to 10 minutes, but it still triggers every minute. Has anyone experienced this type of problem before?
It is in "runaway mode" you'll have to retrieve it and do a firmware update to your SD card. Power it down and then reboot it. 9/10 times this solves the problem. If it doesn't then call customer service.
It is in "runaway mode" you'll have to retrieve it and do a firmware update to your SD card. Power it down and then reboot it. 9/10 times this solves the problem. If it doesn't then call customer service.
Thanks. Sounds like you're right. I set it up for 30 minute delay between pics and now I get a pic every 30 minutes nonstop. at least I'm getting fewer now, but that's just a function of the software. Haven't really solved the problem. I'm now gonna try to switch from photo to video back to photo to see if it is doing it in all modes.
Batteries will die soon! I'd call customer service.

Where did you take that buck in avatar? He is very nice!!!
Yes, I'll see how well the built in solar panel works on this one. On with customer service Monday after I get out of the woods. Buck was taken in Clay county in 2019. Dept of wildlife scored him at 174.1/2.
The cameras update on the next transmission after you change the settings. Normally all SPYPOINT issues are power or card...Ive found that certain cameras like certain power n cards.
initial test where you have it send instantaneous pictures (to forgo waiting for the transmit times). Then I set it up and left it to do its job. Now it won't stop taking pictures. It takes a picture a minute of nothing, and transmits as many at 200 pictures back at a time. I used my free 100 shots/month during the first trans
I have 2 of these, non cell versions. Only work partially. Not a fan. I like CAMPARK cameras and looking into the Spartan ones. Spylink cams also have constant SD card issues for me. Annoying
I have 2 of these, non cell versions. Only work partially. Not a fan. I like CAMPARK cameras and looking into the Spartan ones. Spylink cams also have constant SD card issues for me. Annoying
Company sending me a new unit. Will see what the future holds…
Good, i hope it works out. mine do work, but only if I add 8 batteries, the internal solar charged batteries stopped working after 2 months, so i am dissapointed.
That's a crock. It's the only reason I got it. Use mine on a farm 7 hours away and can't just run out and change batteries at will. You can bet I'll be hounding them about the warranty (again) if the solar quits recharging. What kind of life are you getting out of the batteries?
I've got a spypoint Link S dark cellular camera I just set up. Worked fine during the initial test where you have it send instantaneous pictures (to forgo waiting for the transmit times). Then I set it up and left it to do its job. Now it won't stop taking pictures. It takes a picture a minute of nothing, and transmits as many at 200 pictures back at a time. I used my free 100 shots/month during the first transmission. I know the app is connecting with the camera, as I've changed the hour format, and the transmit time intervals, and the camera adjusts accordingly. So, there are 2 problems. First is the fact it triggers on even the lowest sensitivity, and second it triggers every minute. I've even adjusted the interval between shots to 10 minutes, but it still triggers every minute. Has anyone experienced this type of problem before?
Anytime my batteries get below 40% this starts happening.
That's a crock. It's the only reason I got it. Use mine on a farm 7 hours away and can't just run out and change batteries at will. You can bet I'll be hounding them about the warranty (again) if the solar quits recharging. What kind of life are you getting out of the batteries?
Oh, they'll replace the camera for you. They know their cameras have problems.

I've yet to have them give me trouble about replacing a camera except the one that exploded.

funny thing is, I forgot to send 2 of them back that quick working. They never asked for them or even mentioned them.

I'm guessing they go straight to QA for inspection, AKA "the blue dumpster"
Company sending me a new unit. Will see what the future holds…
One thing Spypoint gets right is customer service.

They will replace a camera, even out of warranty, probably just to keep you from blowing them up on twitter.

That said - I always say the best companies are the ones who you have no clue how their customer service is. I know these guys on a first name basis.