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Spypoint Questions


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2002
Chattanooga, TN
I use two Spypoint Cellular cameras. While it certainly isn't critical, I have always been a little frustrated that my Spypoints do not read or display an accurate temperature. They routinely display 8-10 degrees below actual temperature - sometimes more or less. I got frustrated enough yesterday to call Spypoint Support (which always takes longer than it should). They diagnosed the issue and said I needed to update the Firmware on my cameras to the latest version. We did so, however the same problem persists.

Anybody have that inaccurate temperature issue with Spypoints and/or know how to fix it?

SECOND QUESTION - I have HORRIBLE cell connection in certain areas. One of my Cellular Spypoints (I just bought) will not transmit images. I've confirmed it is capturing images (by pulling the card). It apparently just can't connect well-enough to a cell tower to transmit.

Does anyone have any experience with their "Long Range Cellular Antenna?" Is it worth $40?
