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Stick kick out


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2021
Occupied Tennessee
If I understand it right it's the stick bottom rotating to either side? It seems to be the most talked about problem and danger of using climbing sticks. Is the answer after setting the stick to have a line that goes about the tree at the bottom of the stick? I was thinking of using a paracord line to snug the bottom of the stick in place on the 2 top sticks, not tight or holding any weight, just after the stick is set and to keep it from rotating. Is there something I'm missing or a reason that it's a bad idea?
In my experience the only time kick out was ever an issue is when I spaced the sticks too far apart. If you're trying to climb 25ft with four sticks then you're probably going to get kick out. Keep them reasonably spaced and I've never had an issue even on slippery trees like hickory or beech.
When you step straight down on the steps like a ladder they won't move on you. It's generally when you start to torque them laterally or pull out and away from the tree that you start to run into kickout.
This has been my experience with XOP and Lone Wolf sticks.
Ive got 3 - 3step sticks and the bottom 2 have single aders. I can get my feet about 14 feet up so my main movement( chest/arms) is 17 feet up. I went ahead and put paracord lines on the top 2 that i can trucker hitch after i set them, Ill let yall know how it goes. Gonna use them in the morning.
When setting your spacing, the bottom of the top stick's step should be approximately even with your knee that is flexed on the top step of the stick below. Any higher you are starting to take risks.

I get about 16 feet with 4 Lone Wolf/Novix sticks. I'll carry a 5th stick if it needs to be higher.
When setting your spacing, the bottom of the top stick's step should be approximately even with your knee that is flexed on the top step of the stick below. Any higher you are starting to take risks.

I get about 16 feet with 4 Lone Wolf/Novix sticks. I'll carry a 5th stick if it needs to be higher.

That's what I've found as well.

I like the sticks and hang on in areas with enough cover that I don't need to be high. For situations where i need to be high to be hidden I use a climber.