Storing Mouth Calls.......

TN Larry

Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2003
Reaction score
Baxter, Tennessee
So how do you store your mouth calls? I am especially interested in how and if you do it from season to season. I have always just threw them away after season or actually dug them out sometime before season, threw them away, and bought new. During season, they stay in my vest in their respective cases. I have read about putting tooth picks to separate the reeds, mouth wash (alcohol or non-alcohol ?), and putting them in the fridge. I dug mine out this year and was able to get the reeds separated but decided $30 to replace them wasn't too bad of an idea after looking at the yellow gunk growing on them in between the reeds. :)

I am just curious what everyone does, and if it is worth trying to save from year to year.
Fridge as well.

The only times I tried to separate the reeds, I ended up tearing one.

My main two that I am currently using are 2 and 3 yrs old respectively. And yes, they look nasty :D !
At the end of every hunt I run cool water tween the reeds of my calls, shake a few times, put em in the case of the freezer side of fridge. Occasionally, I'll soak them in a 50/50 mix of water and non-alcohol mouthwash for bout 10-15 mins just to rid of germs. This is the very best thing I've found to do to keep em sounding good (no reeds sticking).
TN Larry":1gu8er0h said:
Do you all keep them in the fridge between hunts? I'm afraid that I would forget them.

I don't. The main two are in my shirt pocket and the rest are in a separate case in a pocket on my belt.

And yes, I would forget them also.
TN Larry":t924h4xp said:
So how do you store your mouth calls? I am especially interested in how and if you do it from season to season.
In season, store mainly in my vest/shirt, but occasionally (3-4x) clean/disinfect them in alcohol free mouthwash (Crest Pro-Health Mouth Wash or Equate Generic Version), rinse off with cold tap water, and dry, before putting back in my vest/shirt.

Season to season, clean/disinfect them in alcohol free mouthwash (Crest Pro-Health Mouth Wash or Equate Generic Version), rinse off with cold tap water, and dry, then store in freezer door of my kitchen refrigerator.

I typically get 2-3 seasons out of my Houndstooth mouth calls using this approach. With that said, I do not blow the piss out of them when I use them, and I probably do not use a mouth call as much duiring the day as some others who rely solely on a diaphragm call.

My .02
TN Larry":30btjyyu said:
Do you all keep them in the fridge between hunts? I'm afraid that I would forget them.
In the freezer tween every hunt. I leave a post it stuck to my exit door all season to remind me no to forget them. Yep, I've left em before but it's almost a part of routine now.
After rinsing really well, I put little pieces of toothpick between the reeds to keep them from forever being stuck together.
Boll Weevil":1pm41z0u said:
After rinsing really well, I put little pieces of toothpick between the reeds to keep them from forever being stuck together.
That's why I put mine in the freezer as soon as I rinse and shake them. The moisture between the reeds freezes and acts as reed separators. They instantly thaw and reeds are freed up.
Freezer. Aha. Every time I would rinse mine with mouthwash and water. Then dry then store. Next year all reeds stuck together. They sound like trumpets. I been just buying new every time. I buy em at end of year on sale and use a new one every hunt or two. I'll try the
Freezer routine.
I keep mine in the fridge during the off season. I only cary two different mouth calls, but I have 6-7 of each in cold storage. When season starts, I get out one of each and put them in my vest. They stay there all season unless it gets really hot late in the year. I try not to leave them in the hot truck for fear that extreme heat will mess up the latex.

If I go more than a daybetween hunts, the reeds will be stuck together. I just put them in my mouth for a few minutes to get the latex wet, then carefully separate them with a FLAT toothpick (do not try to use round toothpicks. You will tear the latex). I usually separate reeds while I'm standing or sitting somewhere waiting for a turkey to gobble. It just takes a minute to separte them, then they are ready to go for the day. At the end of the year, if they are getting worn, I through them out. If they still have some life left in them, I rinse them off and put them back in the fridge.
I soak mine when I get home in water/mouthwash solution, then rinse them off, let them air dry, and put them in the fridge in the little cases they came in. I get 2 seasons out of them then buy new.

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I use 1 call the whole season and it's slam worn out by the end. It goes in the trash and I buy new ones for next year on sale at the end of the season.

I rinse it each eve and put it back in my tote bag till its trash

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I will rinse with cold water and dry after each hunt and will use a 50/50 solution of mouthwash and water once a week. I use the ends of a plastic fork to keep reeds separated. They seem the slide between the reeds better than a toothpick. During off season I store them in their individual containers in the fridge. I have one primos mouth call that is on year three that sounds as good as it did when I bought it. I do have a replacement for it when it does wear out.

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for all you guys that use them for years, what do you do when the tape starts to shred? retape it?

but I'm usually walking the woods all day with a mouth call in one cheek pouch and a dip in the other :)