strange thing while bird hunting


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2006
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was out hunting 4 turkey with my nephew all weekend. yesterday while walking a ridge ,we ran into a coyote.
yesterday we saw one within 10 feet of us and it ran. figured it was stalking us thinking we were a hen for lunch.
WRONG! it had been in a den with 8 pups. the yote ran about 50 yards and stopped . she just paced back and forth. we heard the pups whining . they were in the base of a huge tree under the roots .
i had always said if i ever found a den i would kill them but no way. just couldnt do it. really wanted to bring one back for a pet but we left them alone. now we have 8 more dogs on the farm to deal with.
anyone else ever found a yote den? as for turkey hunting , about to quit. cant get a bird to work for the life of me. must have had over a hundred on the ridge we were on but not a single one would come close....oh the joys of turkey hunting :)
That reminds me a time when I use to hunt in southern Illinois and these mangy muts would chase deer around all the time messing up my hunt. I told my hunting partner that I would kill em if I ever got the chance. Well I did get the chance and I found out that I was a talker and not a doer. When my hunting partner and I came back from souting they were under his truck hanging out. When they came out from under wagging their tails I just couldn't do it. We drove them off about 10 miles and found them a herd of deer in a field and dropped the tailgate and those suckers flew out the back after them deer.
ghosthunter said:
That reminds me a time when I use to hunt in southern Illinois and these mangy muts would chase deer around all the time messing up my hunt. I told my hunting partner that I would kill em if I ever got the chance. Well I did get the chance and I found out that I was a talker and not a doer. When my hunting partner and I came back from souting they were under his truck hanging out. When they came out from under wagging their tails I just couldn't do it. We drove them off about 10 miles and found them a herd of deer in a field and dropped the tailgate and those suckers flew out the back after them deer.

i'll keep my thoughts and comments about this to myself. :mad:
i just couldnt do it. they looked like my labs puppies only dark gray ......
anyone want a free dog!lol