Harold Money jr
Well-Known Member
I hope everyone is having a great time shooting in the back yard or at the local range. This has been a great a great couple of weeks for me personally. The first big step I took was buying a three-under tab. Man, I should've done this years ago, it has been the single best change I've made. My old max range was 23yds. Now, that is easily attainable. I point better and it is jus like looking down a shotgun barrel. The other things that are working are perfectly matched arrows for both bows. I'm shooting 2216's on my Hoyt Gamemaster 55lb, my Bear Grizzly at 43 lbs loves 2016's both with 125gr. points. They bareshaft perfectly to 20yds when I make a good release. Anyway, I'm stoked for the up coming season. Has anyone else tried something new recently, that has them shooting way better than before?