Today was the best gobbling day of the season for me.. Took a good friend this morning to one of our leases, he don't get to hunt much usually once or twice each year, due to his work schedule.. Set up on the first bird we heard, birds were gobbling all around us in the distance.. After I could he was on the ground, I let out a few soft yelps with my new Daybreak ceramic and he roared right back some though this is gonna be good. Shortly after a hen pitches out to my decoy, next thing I know he gobbles about 100yds and he's in the field with us, we can see him. He struts back and forth gobbling like crazy and hens start pouring out of the trees, 15 total... Well, he gathers his harem and off they go.. Well I had been hearing 2 birds just a little ways off so I tell my buddy we need to go after them... We move to the next field and there they are about 400yds out with 8 hens.. I crawled out and put my hen and jake decoy out and got set up in the woodbine and just watched... Wasn't long here comes a coyote and splits the hens and gobs up, hens went into woods, gobs went further into field, coyote kept on rolling... Wasn't long they started gobblin and I figured it was now or never.... My new Daybreak ceramic bought these birds on a string... 400yds took almost 1hr to seal the deal. My buds bird was 18.8lbs, 11"beard, 1 3/8" spurs. Mine was 23.6lbs, 10 3/4" beard and 1 1/4" was a great way to end KY season. Back to TN to finish up.