Tasco camera


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Morgan Co
Was at walmart this evening,looking at the hunting stuff they was putting out and looked at the cameras they had.The Tasco 3mp white flash cam was marked down to $40.I had been thinking about getting it anyway,so I poped on it.For $40 I don't think you could go wrong.As long as I get atlest 3 weeks battery life out of it,i'll be happy.And the kicker,all tasco products come with a 2 year warranty.Not bad for a $40 camera. Because belive me,i will send a camera back to the manufacturer if it fails and is still under warranty. Been messin with it in the house,looks like it takes good pics,putting it out tomorrow.The 2 year warranty blew my mind for such a cheap cam.
huntfish4life said:
Nooooo!!!!! I have the same one it sucks! the pics are great but the sensor hardly catches anything!! But hope it works for you.
I hope mine works,I played with it all evening and night in the house and it took alot of pics,seemed to work fine.Was yours set up on an actual trail? Or over a salt lick? I only set my cams up on salt in the summer time or scrapes in the fall.