

Well-Known Member
Feb 26, 2013
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I am going to try for a single season slam this year. Does anyone know anything about transporting birds across state lines for taxidermy or good ways to get them back? Did not know if there were any laws against this.
Not aware of any laws excepting legally tagging your bird, If I can I freeze my bird solid and put him in the cooler for the trip back, he will thaw in a couple days, they are usually partially frozen when I get home.
If you have access to a freezer where you are hunting, freeze the bird in garbage bag and mail frozen bird to taxidermist inside a regular cardboard box filled with those Styrofoam pellets.
Shouldn't have any problem transporting birds. Just make sure you have them tagged properly.

Keep your birds clean as possible if you plan to get them mounted. Handle them carefully as you move them, watch how you lay them down as to not ruffle and bunch feathers up. Try to keep blood off feathers as much as possible. You can merely wipe some small spots of blood off feathers with a towel, other spots can be removed with a little water on paper towel or cloth. Goal is to just not let a lot of blood dry on feather and or get frozen on feathers if possible for best looking feathers possible on mount.

Paper towels in the mouth and wrapped around the head, then zip lock bag around the head with rubber band, but watch your neck feathers!

Put bird neatly in a trash bag and make sure to watch and not smash up you tail feathers against cooler, freezer, box etc.

The quality of your mount starts with field care!

If you have access to a freezer, get it in there as soon as possible and freeze as long as possible until you make your trip home. Some bags of ice and a large cooler should do the trick for travel. A frozen solid bird will take 2/3 days to fully thaw in open air.
Hope this helps!

Good luck on your trips! ... ml?filters[user]=143050631&filters[recent]=1&sort=1&o=11