I sat watching a wheat field til 9:15, and didn't see anything. So, I decided to get up and make a loop in the timber. As I was walking through some thick stuff, at the bottom of a hardwood ridge I caught a glimpse of antler. Suddenly, the flash of antlers was followed by a bunch of grunting, that was coming straight towards me. There was a doe he was following, and here they came. Both splashing in the bottomland water and him grunting ever breath. The doe got within 5-7 yards of me before she noticed me, she then bounded off with him following. I grunted a couple times with my mouth, and he stopped long enough to face me and at about 35 yards I put the crosshairs on his neck and the rest as they say is history. Such and exciting hunt, and feeling blessed. This is a deer had several pics of, but first time seeing what I called
y 8. Happy Thanksgiving