The Drought Is Over


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Lebanon, TN
Cut out of the office early today and met up with a buddy. Went out back on his property. We sat together behind a 2' high blind about 3' wide. One turkey came up and we got busted and he ran off.

About 5 min before we were going to call it quits, I see one. By the time he made it thru the grass it was three of them. His gun has a scope and he passed it to me. He already had a bird so he took mine and we were going to try and take two at once. His wouldn't come around the corner so I dropped mine it it's tracks.

One of the other two flew about 20' straight up and came back down. I passed the gun back and he shot it. We sat together and doubled with the same gun.
I check in most every day but almost all of my forum reading/posting was done at the office. After staring at a computer all day, the last thing I do is get on at home. Our IT people blocked everything even remotely resembling a forum.

I didn't even think about pics until I was half way thru breasting him out. I do have his feet in salt water. LOL!