They were gobbling Sat ,17 FEB 12,morning

I walked out the door in my neighborhood saturday morning about 630 headed to a pancake breakfast. Heard a crow call and a gobbler immediately answer. He gobbled three more times before I left. That was worth getting up for!
Last december I was deer hunting along the KY border in the mtns, and listened to as much or more turkey talk then you hear most spring mornings. Gobbling lasted well up into the morning, and they were definitely reacting to the hens which were going nuts.

I think the crazy things gobble 365 days a year, but certainly the intensity will pick up in about a month.
I've had several flocks come by when deer hunting. Flocks of hens never stop communicating- constant yelping and clucking. You don't hear this type of communication as much in the spring when the hens split into smaller groups. It's amazing how loud a group of 40+ hens can be.