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Thoughts on this guy….Updated.

Hard to tell this time of year but guessing 2-3 years old.
Here he is Oct 9th. Still think 2-3? I'll try to find better pic.
You asked thoughts from a February picture. He looks 2-3. October pic looks 4.5. That is why i said it is hard to tell this time of year.
Right. I said he wasn't young. Lol He's probably gonna be top of the list next season. He has been a bully all year. Pushed a couple other 4yos out and they never returned.
The one by me has had the same rack (just larger this year) for the last two years.
Had one like it in Illinois back in the early nineties. Saw him three years running, same area.
Finally took him out as an end of season freezer stuffer.
I can see the confusion. The video looks like a healthy young buck, not a run down ragged old buck. I don't doubt you for a minute but if that video was all I had, I'd guess the buck is a perfect example of a late season 3.5yr old.
That's what I think now after seeing the earlier picture. In the video I would swear 3.5.
I would put him at 3.5 based on the video. Really is a bad time to try to guess ages on deer . Maybe you can kill him and check his teeth this next season.

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