Well-Known Member
I started shooting slick tricks a couple of sesons ago because everybody talked them up about thier fieldpoint accurracy and I was having problems getting my Thunderheads to hit where my fieldpoints hit. Well, when I started shooting slicks, I was getting the same results of inaccurrate broadhead vs. fieldpoint flight. With a little help from some TN members,(especially Radar,(thanks Radar)) I learned the art of tuning a bow.(I can't believe I shot like this for so many years, and successfully. I only practiced with broadheads.) Once I got my bow tuned right, the slicks and the FP's were shooting really good and I never shot another Thunderhead again until yesterday and to be honest I didn't notice much if any difference in between the slicks and Thundereads. I guess there are some broadheads that fly better than others but the real key is a well tuned bow. If my old Thunderheads proove to be as accurrate as my slicks, I'm switching back just because they've never let me down. Plus Thunderheads fit in my Kwikee quiver much better than the slicks!