Tikka T3 Lite.... You might want to look into one


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2005
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OK... Long story shortened.... I have been hearing lots of great things about the Tikka T3 lite on 24hrcampfire forums and finally broke down and bought one for a "put it on the back of the 4 wheeler & ride 4 miles down the dirt road in the rain gun"..... I am a hard core Walnut & blue gun guy and the older the gun is I tend to like it better unless it is custom.... Well due to this I only had two guns that were stainless - synthetic... One is a 700VS Varmit gun in 308 and a 40X in 223 and neither one of those is a good "walking around" gun is you know what I mean..

So after breaking down, I bought one off of the internet for $569 that is synthetic & Stainless in 30-06. I put a new recoil pad on it and new tally rings and topped it off with a Leupold 4.5X14X40mm with 30mm tube & side focus.... I was going to adjust the trigger but did not after the factory trigger broke at 3lbs 1oz on the trigger pull gauge with no creap........

I had not had time to load up some rounds for it so I was not going to take it to the range today since I was checking the zero on my muzzleloader but I remembered I had an older box of factory ammo so I grabber it and headed out....

Well.... The best group of the day was 3/8 inch at 100 yards... and every group I shot was under 3/4 of an inch at 100 yards and this was with factory ammo..... I can not wait to see what this gun will do with a little handloading and bullet depth adjustment....

Anyway.... If you are looking for a new gun or just want another one I would recommend looking the Tikka T3 Lite...... I feel it is the best gun for the money on the market today....
I just read your post on 24Hr.

I have to get me one as well. Left handed SS Lite in 270 is what I'm looking at.

Where did you get yours? Budsgunshop?
Budsgunshop it was..... and since you are in K-town They already have Guns & More's FFL on file so the transfer should be easy...

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