TN Turkey Lease Cost


Well-Known Member
Jul 26, 2010
Reaction score
Eva, AL
I have had several people ask me about leasing the turkey rights to the property we are deer hunting. Some folks have offered to pay a good price but I just did not trust them and it is not worth loosing the property over. Anyway, I have found a guy that I trust that is interested and I was just wondering what the going rate for spring turkey hunting rights would be?

Propery is about 330 acres (60% wood, 40% open), Marshall county, easy access, loaded with turkey. I took him up Saturday morning and we killed 2 birds by 10:00 (9" and 8" beards). We saw about 6-8 more toms. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I want to be fair to him but also want to be fair to other folks that deer hunt.
In my opinion, you could get $1000 fairly easy. But having someone you trust and you know will respect the land, I would ask $700.
3 dollars per acre is pretty common, so you cold get $1000 pretty easily I would think if its got lots of birds. Thats what i would ask anyway.
I agree with Kanati. Someone you know and trust to treat the property and landowner with the same level of respect as you guys do is worth the "discount." As we'll, $3/ac isn't unreasonable (though I'm certain you could get more if you wanted to on the open market).
Thanks to all. I had been offered $5 per acre but thought $3-$4 for someone I trusted would be pretty good. The problem is giving it up after going the first time this past Saturday. May go with about $3 per acre and let him know he has to take me one time...
A few yrs ago we got access to a turkey only lease from the guys who were leasing it for deer hunting.

1200 acres for $400. There were only 4 of us on it. It was AWESOME for the two years we had it :( !