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To all you tagged out....


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2004
I need a guide!

need aomebody to show me the ROPES so to speak and literally by calling me in one.

Have gun will travel!
Shelby, Fayette, Hardeman, and any other county close enough to me

Any takers?
If you were closer I'd take ya, but might be a drive for you. I ain['t tagged out but you can about bang two rocks together around here and get a bird in,lol. How long you been chasin' 'em? Ten years ago we didn't have a huntable population around my places and now they're everywhere. Best advice I could give is hunt where they are. Secondly, hunt above water where they are. Third, hunt near a field above water where they are. Fourth, don't call back everytime you hear one gobble. I can't call real well, I chew tobacco so I stink with a mouth call but I can manage to talk one in on a regular basis. If I don't have one gobblin' but I know he's in the vicinity I just wait it out. Good luck, and if you're willing to drive to Sumner county PM me. Plenty of birds here.
i certainly wish you the best, but you might one to go about it a different way. The way you worded your thread it sounds like you want someone to take you to their spot and call a bird for you to kill. I think you have better luck inviting a tagged out hunted to go with you to one of your spots to call you in one of your birds. someone who has already killed 4 longbeards, probably is not going to eb interested in giving up another bird at this time in the season, because that is one less that will be available next yr. i hopy you get one.
yea thats true Redblood thanks,

had one gobble Saturday AM from the roost I was 100 to 150 yards out.

I called on the slate 3 or 4 times and he would answer.

I shut up and a while later heard him fly down

gobbles got further and further away.

just my luck I guess or I sounded aweful to him


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