Today's Games


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
Munford, TN
There will be games today, October 22, 2022, but don't let that distract you from the fact that it's been 364 days since alabama has beaten TENNESSEE in football!

Also, can someone do a well check on our resident troll? He used to post multiple times daily, but he's been MIA for 5 days. I told you, it's not about alabama or TENNESSEE or even college football. It's 100% about trolling. If he can't troll, he'd rather not come around.
I, for one, am still here. UT goes down to the Skyhawks. Martin students in attendance will rush the field to tear down the goal posts. It will take the 5 of them 3 full days with heavy equipment to complete the task. You heard it here first.
UCStandSitter will instantly become a Florida fan, since he's already a fan of wearing risqué length jean shorts while grocery shopping for soy based milk and tofu, after the crushing defeat.🙋🏻‍♂️😏

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